Lesson 16
Slide 1 The spleen is often a neglected and little-studied organ, especially by beginners, since it has a very high and posterior location in the left hypochondrium, it is often conceiled by gas and gastric ingesta, air in the left colic
Lesson 15
The female gonads in the pelvis will not be thoroughly examined and their study will be limited to the description of the uterus, ovaries and main pathologies, occasionally detected during a transabdominal examination of the pelvic cavity. Testicular diseases will be
Lesson 14
Slide 1 The endocrine system is made up of glands that secrete hormones, controlling a wide range of vital functions such as metabolism, growth, reproductive cycle, sensory perception, movement, sexual development, hydrosaline exchange, blood pressure, stress reactions. Slide 2 The educational objectives of
Lesson 13
Slide 1 Secondary hypertension accounts for about 10% of hypertension cases in adults. Parenchymal chronic renal disease, chronic obstructive nephropathy and renovascular disease are common causes of secondary hypertension, whereas the kidney can be either a hypertension cause or a organ
Lesson 10
Slide 1 The kidney is one of the most important organs of the emunctory system. It controls the hydro-saline balance, the blood pressure, through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, the acid-base balance, the calcium-phosphorus balance, the mineral metabolism, with the activation of calcitriol