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The primary aim of our medical sonography educational website is to integrate ultrasound imaging with conventional semeiotics, providing an easier training path, gained by daily clinical experience


Bedside ultrasound course

Nephrology ultrasound course

Internal medicine ultrasound




“Point of care of ultrasound”






What will you learn?
Course objectives

In the near future, alongside the stethoscope and the sphygmomanometer, physicians will have their new “tools of the trade”: a portable ultrasound system or a wireless handheld device, as small as a tablet or an iphone, but enabling even auscultation or sound filter functions.
This is not futurism, but a forthcoming innovation, that has been rapidly spreading among the new
The first-line ultrasound imaging will be an extension of the physician’s visual abilities in the search for signs, just as the stethoscope was an extension of his hearing abilities.
Bedside ultrasound will quickly become the 5° cornerstone of the conventional physical examination. Therefore, the physician has to become greatly familiar with

  • the theoretical and practical basic principles of ultrasound and Doppler
  • the main applications in emergency medicine and E.R.
  • the characteristics and functioning of multi-parameter platforms and portable instruments

Sonovisualmed.it is an educational website, whose primary objective is ultrasound training. The proposed teaching project aims at merging ultrasound imaging with clinical knowledge, providing simplified working algorithms, acquired by daily clinical experience on the field (medical sonography).

Our final aim is to interpreter the needs of doctors in training, trainees in the various branches of internal medicine and surgery, general practitioners, local physicians and postgraduates, and bring them all closer to ultrasound, in a professional and proper way.


Didactic proposal for ultrasound training

Sonovisulamed offers a mixed model, consisting of e-learning and practical hands-on training, with about 40 hours of internal ultrasound training

Practical training will take place face to face or, if not possible, on live webinar from the lab, with ultrasound examinations and clinical cases’ analysis.

About 80 hours of theoretical and practical training in ultrasound internal medicine.

If possible, it will be held at labs, performing ultrasound and Doppler examinations, under the supervision of tutors.

Attendees, completing the entire course and passing the final exam, will be awarded the SIUMB Certificate of Nephrological Ultrasound or the SIMI Certificate of Bedside Ultrasound.

It will be periodically enriched with freely available clinical cases, bibliographic links or annotated reports.




What skills will you acquire with our courses?

In recent years, clinical ultrasound has rapidly been dichotomizing.

On one hand, the development of complex and multi-parameter equipment enables to conventionally analyse the echosignal (gray-scale sonography, spectral Doppler and color-power Doppler), exploit the endovascular enhancement, after a microbubbles infusion  (perfusion imaging) and analyze tissue stiffness and viscosity with dedicated algorithms (shear wave elastosonography).

On the other hand, we have been witnessing the ubiquitous spread of portable equipment, employed even at patient bed (bed side ultrasound) or in the medicine and surgery departments (Point of care of ultrasound- POCUS).

This project aims to promote

  • a quality multidisciplinary training;
  • skills to manage an ultrasound point of care or a wireless transducer;
  • training for the healthcare personnel of emergency medicine, general and local medicine, and E.R.



This atlas book consists of three volumes, with more than 3,200 ultrasound images and 950 scientific illustrations. The first volume thoroughly describes ultrasound and color Doppler principles, and multiparametric ultrasound applications. The second and the third ones carefully deal with clinical nephrology, according to the ultrasound diagnosis.

All aspects of renal ultrasound imaging are analysed: the normal kidney, the retroperitoneum, the acute and chronic parenchymal damage, the pelvic diseases, the obstructive uropathy, kidney and excretory tract tumors, arterial hypertension, kidney vascular diseases, comorbidities


Our training school avails itself of physicians, technicians and ultrasound specialists, who have brought their experience to the best European universities, for years

Scuola Superiore S. Anna- Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita -Pisa Dipartimento di Medicina Interna Universitaria – Università di Pisa Coordinatore della Scuola SIUMB di ecografia in Nefrologia - Pisa Coordinatore scuola SIMI di ecografia bed-side- Pisa

Dirigente medico e responsabile ambulatorio di ecografia e color Doppler UO Nefrologia e Dialisi Ospedale Di Venere- Bari

Scuola Superiore S. Anna- Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita - Pisa Responsabile laboratorio di ecografia nel paziente iperteso Dipartimento di Medicina Interna Universitaria – Università di Pisa

Responsabile UOS diagnostica per immagini UOC Nefrologia Dialisi Trapianti dell’AULSS 2 - Treviso

Contact us for information about our school and courses